The Dimsey Office
Tag: [TDO] Web: Official website Fans: 4 Created: 2011-10-24

Platoon Presentation

We're a couple of plonkers who've banded together to express our dedication and love for teamwork, fairplay and good sportsmanship. We love all of Nature's creatures (except Sarah Palin and artificial coconuts) and we look forward to playing against tosers and pro's alike. We're not professional gamers but we're not complete wankers either. If anyone wants to engage us in Practice Clan Wars, hit me up with a message. I love testing my skills against other people in the Battlefield community!

NOTE: Please, if your specific clan is mostly comprised of cocksuckers (i.e. not showing good sportsmanship, cheating, hacking, being overall pricks) don't send me anything. I've already had my share of cheating, obnoxious assholes in MW2.

Operating out of Sweden, Planet Earth, we consist of about five dudes and dudettes:

Rare is the time when a name perfectly mirrors the man. In true Arab spirit, he is not afraid to give up his life for the cause and take one for the team. As a dedicated sniper you'd think that he'd stay back as he snipes. Unfortunately, "staying back" are two words that somehow slipped his turbulent education in the rural mountains of the Sahara.

He stands with his fellow peers on the battlefield, armed to the teeth with a M24, a couple of 'nades and a great sense of humor. He blazes through his victims as quickly as the ninja he is. Disappearing in and out of shadows, moving like a phantom across the battlefield, he strikes from where you least expect him and chances are, if you ever see the Arab-Ninja, it will be him looking at you through his high powered rifle scope. One cannot know and not know the Arab-Ninja, but he can know and not know you. Derp.

At first glance you get a sense of how plain this man is. Although that could also be because you're probably looking at a generic in-game character model that doesn't resemble the man at all. The analogy is all the same however. He looks and might even play as any other dude on the battlefield, but with determination, focus and guidance, it is easy to turn him from a lowly disorganized shepard into a mighty and great Persian Prince.

As a dedicated engineer, mechanical wonders become his toys and he starts to enjoy the chaos of warfare a little too much for your own liking. Fear not, this is not only a man who likes things that go "BOOM" but also a man that can get the job done. Chances are, without even knowing it, he will steal your ace pin faster then you can say "Enemy engineer, one o'clock, on the horizon, by the trees on the outskirts of the forest, he's got an IGLA rocket launcher and he's ready to fuck shit up, retreat, REEETREEEAT!!!". You get the idea.

Ve for Vendetta
Potency, reliability and skills perfectly sums up this quaint fucker. Playing and seeing the world in numbers and pure logic, the truth prevents any negative emotion from corrupting his judgment and his skills alike. When shot he does not yell or curse or damn the game for being shit. In a complete calm and rational fashion, he sits back and asks: "Hm what could I have done better?" His unwavering dedication to the truth and knowledge allows him to operate like a machine, killing is as easy as breathing for him and he's constantly learning new ways to fuck your shit up.

He's a tank, he's a dps, and he's a healer, all at the same time. His daunting ability to be able to seamlessly switch between different roles and classes allow him to be a perfect teammate and teamplayer. He can be the man who has 65/6 in stats, or he can be the one who sits back and supplies everyone with ammunition. Bottom line, he cares for the team, no matter who's in it, more than he cares about his own stats, K/D or reputation. It's all about the team, solidarity and winning as a collective, for him. You need only see his name in your team and a sense of calm and security befalls your spirit.

"Bitch be crazy!" Kid brother to the infamous Fogzie, he is a fine addition to the heritage and lineage of a proud gaming family. Although five years younger, our mother's fine upbringing skills has shaped this man into a man that is mature beyond his years. Confident and eager to prove his worth on the battlefield while at the same time skillful enough to match even the most seasoned gaming veterans, has lead to the creation of a potent war machine. Silent unless he needs to speak, passive when he's not aggressive; he knows that there is a time and place for everything.

He can follow orders and he can work autonomously. Adaptability is key to this man. As soon as he's comfortable with a weapon and is in the sacred "D Zone" rhythm, the aforementioned killing sprees starts. Unless you hack, glitch, cheat, or use advanced tactics and communication, he will not be killed, he simply refuses to die. His 0.54 seconds reaction time, reflexes and ability to taunt players in-game to disrupt them of their playstyle, allows him to dominate battlefields with ease. Whether he's in a group or Lone Wolf, there's very few times he's not the ace player in a match.

A juggernaut of a man, when he enters the battlefield, it is as if you're pinned down by the enemy and are about to die, when suddenly your commander sends in the cavalry. Dosh IS the cavalry. Both the man AND the horse. The name was given to him because he always shows up in big packages. He does nothing half heartily. If he's going to take a flag, he's going to secure it for the rest of the fucking game. If he's planting the M-COM, then he's going to defend it. BY HIMSELF.

A solid teamplayer and a man of integrity, he's a valuable individual to any team. He can flare up easily and lose focus of the objective, but steer him right and he's like a human battering ram. Stand in his way, and not much will remain after he plows through your defenses like a mighty ice scoop digging through ice cream.... Uuuum yeah.

Oh and remember, sacrifice toads to Don Dimseyliano II King of the Cosmos, offer him prostitutes and admire his 1337 skills.

Cya on the Battlefield!

______________________| Quotes |_____________________________

"Honesty and humility offer better chances of improving yourself in life. So I'm honest and humble, you fuckheads." - Fogzie

"Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" - Arab-Ninja

"Foooooooooooooooooooooooookh UUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!" - Mithras90

"Everything in life is a joke, all you can do is laugh. There's only one thing that amuses no one - Death" - Ve's moral philosophy.

"Big Areas.... Big Problems" - Chimchi

"I'm amazing in so many ways, it's quite impossible to NOT love me" - Dosh's mentality

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