Tag: [d4rk] Web: Official website Fans: 14 Created: 2012-06-07

Platoon Presentation

The place where new Recruits form their trust and fight side-by-side to become the true d4Rk*Brothers of d4Rk*Company...

We welcome you,d4Rk*Recruit...

We pride ourselves in team work, so joining us on TS3 is a must to be in the d4Rk platoon. You can download it at the following link : http://www.teamspeak.com/

We have clan meetings and your attendance is extremely important to become familliar with who's-who and how we play together as a team and in-game tactics and strats.

d4Rk*Recruits is our official recruitment platoon. Click on the Official website to view the main Company of d4Rk.

Speak to the leaders for more info:

Damage Sam
Also read d4Rk*Company's platoon presentation for further info.

Join us on our Teamspeak:
d4Rk TS CHANNEL: Ask a leader for the password if you're a member

Platoon feed

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