Toilet Paper Squad
Plaque: [tPs] Fans: 6 Créé: 25-05-2012

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The Toilet Paper Squad was created in 2009 with a shitty group of friends. We started off pooping together and playing Bad Company 2, and when a few members became many, we decided to play competitively. We left BC2 to go take a massive poop and when we got back we were Shitter Champions and we hope on continue the success here in Battlefield 3. We lost some friends and shit some new ones but the core group still remains.


Team Founder: PsYcHo__FAgIIIa

Team Leader: vXvFAGOMUSvXv


We compete on Frag Nation and Game Battles. Contact vXvSHITOPTIMUSvXv to set up 12 v 12 Conquest or Shit Rush matches.


Times we are available to setup a match:

Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Saturday: Usually unavailbe (fapping in the bathroom)
Sunday: 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Monday - Thursday: 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST


Currently recruiting jet pilots and ground players.


Proud Partners with [tCo] tHe CraZy oNeS


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