Plaque: [TSAS] Fans: 3 Créé: 17-06-2012

Présentation de la section

Leader - MaximumImpact (Trainer)
Co-Leader - EliteMayhem (Trainer)


Special Air Service or SAS is a corps of the British Army constituted on 31 May 1950. They are part of the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) and have served as a model for the special forces of many other countries all over the world. The SAS together with the Special Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), Special Forces Support Group (SFSG), (UKSF) Signal Regiment and the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing form the UKSF under the command of the Director Special Forces.

The SAS traces its origins to 1941 and the Second World War, and was reformed as part of the Territorial Army in 1947, and named the 21st Battalion, SAS Regiment, (Artists Rifles). The Regular Army 22 SAS later gained fame and recognition worldwide after successfully assaulting the Iranian Embassy in London and rescuing hostages during the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege, lifting the regiment from obscurity outside the military establishment.


Minimum requirements -

> K/D - 1.75
> W/L - 1.00
> Spm - 400
> Skill - 450
> Mic
> Must be a team player and follow orders or come up with an alternative on the spot!!!
> Must have good english
> Must add leaders on battlelog

If you wish to apply please make sure you meet all requirements that are asked.

(If you are training with us minimum requirements do not apply apart from being able to speak english and have a mic)

In battle if things are not going your way do not accept defeat, there will always be a kink in the armour! " Who dares wins "


UKSF SAS is also a training platoon for those people who do not quite meet the criteria for platoons with high standards. we will show you the best way to tackle front line combat and also the ideal way to hold a position but most importantly we will get you playing as a team player.

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