Cyber Warefare Group 1
Plaque: [CWG1] Fans: 1 Créé: 07-10-2012

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Just a heads up for anyone looking at this platoon, we are here for casual players. Not many of us have time to devote to serious play so we just get together whenever possible and play. I came up with this name as a bad play on the supposed or probably government sponsored cyber attacks being carried out in the middle east. And how some have stated it as the opening volleys of a new war. That being said we are here for team play so this means work with your buddy as much as possible and keeping on objectives. Also we like to use voice to communicate and talk to each other so headsets are required. That said don't be an ass hat over the mic, and don't be surprised if we do a good bit of BSing across them as well. Several of us our friends outside of video games as well. Also don't be a ass in general we aren't the most skilled players and personally I don't give a rip for KD spreads and the like. we are all here to have fun and enjoy the game.

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