Null Set
Plaque: [NuS] Web: Site officiel Fans: 12 Créé: 25-10-2011

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What is Null Set? What does it mean?

The null set, also called the empty set, is the set that does not contain anything. It is symbolized Ø or { }. There is only one null set.

In Steam we are Null Set. We Are NuS, Ø.

We are a core group of long Steam gamers who share common gaming interests. NuS group has just one important role: Having reliable, knowledgeable, friendly, and most importantly TRUSTWORTHY players online. You probably know from your own gaming experiences that it is very difficult to find good players to play with online. Our goal simply is to provide you, the gamer, a reason to enjoy playing games.

In NuS, we aim to play games they way they were meant to be played. We strive for excellence, and we try to make the experiences of others more pleasant as well by not being idiots.

Keep in mind though, we aren't "sticks in the mud" strict all the time. We enjoy breaking away from the mold and just doing whatever we want to do sometimes!

Here are some basic rules for the group members:
1) Only Admins and Officers can invite members into the group. You can recommend someone if you feel they are right for the group, but in general we like to keep NuS between friends. Also we prefer that new potential members play a couple of games with us to make sure he or she is viable to be a member of this group. We like to keep it within the community, mostly veterans of the null set rank.

2) Please get a headset microphone when playing online games. I can't emphasize this enough! It is insanely difficult to maintain teamwork when one or more members of the team are NOT on Teamspeak. Communication becomes lacking, and things can fall apart. Please, if you want to game with us, or even just enjoy your own experience more, get a headset! They range from dirt cheap to holy $$$$.

3) Be yourself. We like our members to have a personality and enjoys playing games. Isn't that the reason why people play games? To have fun

Feel free to join us on TeamSpeak 3 @ T331.DARKSTARLLC.COM:10203 hang out and get to know everyone.

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