The Judges Clan
Plaque: [JDGE] Web: Site officiel Fans: 52 Créé: 25-10-2011

Présentation de la section

Welcome to the Judges page, we're a bunch of battlefield players that believe in enjoying the game and having fun. This clan is about enjoying the game together, with the understanding that it is only a game. We have very fulfilling lives outside of the game and so if you are a seriz businiz player or looking to pick a fight, move on, this is not the clan for you. We are about socializing and having fun, politics is for politicians, around here we're all normal humans. Lets restrict our fighting to in-game only and leave those issues on the Battlefield...

If you want to become a judge head over to the forums at and introduce yourself to
us and we'll talk you through the process. Otherwise you can add one of the leaders as a friend and we'll help you out.

Requests to join without any prior conversations or vouching from existing members will more than likely be turned down

Get to know us on TeamSpeak:

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