Squad Leader
Plaque: [yeah] Fans: 1 Créé: 11-11-2011

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When i created squad leader, I was thinking of a new way to play. Everybody knows there is squads of four? Well what if we had squads of 5? yes, thats what the circle means, Squads of five. Recon, engineer,assault,support, and Squad leader. The squad leader can be any class, but withought the team support gadgets, such as the health kit like an assault would have, the squad leader would have a M26 MASS or a M320. The squad leader will not be in their squad obviously so they are just going to have to meet up. The squad leader should always walk in the front of the squad as he has the upper muscle. Hopefully the people in Squad leader and are a part of it will get a better experience and better W/L and will grow better by teamwork.

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