Plaque: [CEVO] Fans: 11 Créé: 01-11-2014

Présentation de la section

CEVO - Empowering Gamers, Growing Communities!


CEVO is a global eSports company built around North America’s largest competitive online PC gaming league. Founded in December of 2004 with the intention to transform competitive online gaming into a professional sport, CEVO has been hosting both free and pay-to-pay tournaments across a variety of AAA titles for almost 10 years. Through CEVO-TV we are also engaged in online broadcasting and other digital media. Additionally, CEVO offers event management, marketing, development, and design solutions for clients looking to get involved in the business of eSports. For further information about CEVO, please visit cevo.com.


Social Media :

Website : http://cevo.com/
Forum : http://cevo.com/forums/
Streams : http://cevo.com/watch/
Events : http://cevo.com/event/
Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/playCEVO
Twitter : https://twitter.com/cevo
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/playCEVO
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/playCEVO
Steam Group : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CyberEvolution
Find a Scrim : http://cevo.com/scrim/


This platoon aims to unite community members of CEVO, none of the representatives / leaders is an employee of CEVO.


Copyright © 2003 - 2014 CEVO, LLC.
All Rights Reserved

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