England Eagles
Contrassegno: [Eng] Fan: 10 Creato: 30-06-2012

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |██████████████████████████████ [ Welcome ] ██████████████████████████████|
in England Eagles there is 5 rules ;☀☀☀☀☀☀☀

1) No boosting / glitching.
2) Have a high K/D or try to achieve higher than 1.00
3) Don't be a psychopath and team kill.
4) Work as a team.
5) Have your shit bucket ready.
We require the following to become a member:
1) Microphone
2) Team Player
3) No swearing

Ad the founder once you are accepted into the clan.
_______________Stick To The Rules____________
The game leaders are:

I will set up clan matches when we get at least 12 members so it is 8v8 and we have 4 left so if one doesn't show up or cant come then we have 4 spare people.

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