Proper Naughty Geezas
Contrassegno: [PnG] Fan: 4 Creato: 18-12-2012

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A clan for Proper Naughty Geezas

Danny Dyer has endorsed this clan!

Chuck Noris stated " If I had time to play battlefield, PnG would be my home"

Common naughty geeza phrases:

Havin' me off = mocking me/joking
Bang out of order = Out of line. As in a judge banging a gavel. Bang! Out of order!
Cannister = head
Have that off you? Take that from you, as in "Do you think I'm gonna 'ave that off you?"
Geeza = One of us, from around here, one of our crowd
Proper naughty = bad ass
Dry slap = Backhand to the face. Must be accompanied by a back hand thrust.
Mug = fool
Mug me off = make a fool of me
Having a Turkish = having a laugh (at someone else's expense)
Ee's a right propa nawty geeza n ee's like to give yew a dry slap! = He's a bad ass from around here and he may backhand your face!
Muppet = idiot
My son = term to show one of lesser stature that you are in charge and they are child-like.
Do you know who you're messin' wif? = I am an important person and you should address me as such.


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