Art Collective
Contrassegno: [Art] Fan: 2 Creato: 17-02-2013

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We're Art Collective. We don't stand for anything. We don't have a minimum K/D W/L ratio. No level requirements. No skill level rating. Nothing.

We just want for our members to be able to find people to squad up with on PSN and to have a server that can offer them some goddamn VIP for once.

So hook up on PSN, and have a mic for fuck's sake. And please be old enough to buy beer on your own.

We just want good times. Working together, using the mic, common goals, etc. We help each other out with achievements, to win matches, or just to get better.

We have a server, we're open to changing modes and maps to provide optimal environments for achievements or practice.

(Stoners, weeaboos, LARPers, D&Ders, artists, etc. highly encouraged.)

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