UK BF4 PC Clan
Contrassegno: [TE] Web: Sito web ufficiale Fan: 109 Creato: 25-11-2011

Presentazione plotone

Team Europe is an established adult Battlefield PC Only Clan. Our community has been active since 2009.
Join our forums and introduce yourself, connect with players using Teamspeak 3 on our BF3 game servers!
To become eligible for membership you must first apply for VIP, only then you may be invited to join us and
be granted full TE Clan Membership. Prove your loyalty and show us that you want to be part of this team
and you will be invited. Staying active on our teamspeak, game servers and posting in the forums is key.

Our recruitment process is simple but effective, it insures we have the best members who want to be here.

See you on the Battlefield!

-> Joining this Platoon does not make you a Clan Member, you cannot just throw on the TE clan tags.
Visit our forums for all the info on how to join us!

This is Team Europe platoon #2

--> If full join Team Europe #3

* Search in Battlelog for "Team Europe" to find all our servers.

* Servers Rated M for Mature, Act Like It, STFU and Fight!
* Keep the chat box clean, No Noob spam, Insults or Abuse
* Fair Play! - Spawn raping, being an Idiot = Kick/Ban
* All Servers are streaming to PBBans
* No extra stupid Server Rules

Have Fun, KILL 'EM ALL!

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