EOD Bot Army
タグ: [BBQ] ファン: 5 作成済み: 2012-12-16


Wif my little eod bot,
I BBQ ur sniper camper face
and do headshot killz

Wif my little eod bot,
I eat MAVs for breakfast
and BBQ ur MAV user ass

Wif my little eod bot,
I make big BBQ
and do double killz

Wif my little eod bot,
I kill you over again
after you get revived

Wif my little eod bot,
I BBQ ur whole squad
and get squad wipe ribbonz

Wif my little eod bot,
I get on the bus
and make big BBQ party

Wif my little eod bot,
I do wheelies
and roadkills

Wif my little eod bot,
so fast so furious
catch me if you can

Wif my little eod bot,
pweeze don't shoot I friendly
I make friendly BBQz.

