Tag: [FFS] Fani: 64 Stworzono: 16.12.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

FFS as a platoon represents a group of ppl who like to get together and play the game. When things go well, we
celebrate together and when things go bad, we commiserate together. We help each other out with hints and tips
we have picked up along the way.

To the FFS, playing BF3 is a hobby for leisure time and a pleasant distraction from lifes stresses such as school/
studies/work/retirement (item?). We have members from all over the country and cater for all shapes and
sizes, ages and genders.

The FFS aim is to play all types of games, sometimes doing one to death, as the players feel. If you look at the
online members, you should find one or two playing something you like. Feel free to join us, come have a chat,
we are fairly friendly :)

There is only one platoon rule, no cheap women, drugs or hacks - sorry CharlieS, no hard feelings.

FFS Teamspeak port :
Download link :

Rules off clan
1. You need to be active in Teamspeak chat
2. You must be a SA player
3. You must add the FFS tags
4. Out of respect to fellow members, do NOT ****** clan members
5. Please speak respectfully to all clan members.

Informacje z plutonu

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