Team unKnown
Tag: [uK] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 99 Stworzono: 24.10.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

Team unKnown is a competitive gaming organisation that strives to achieve success through commitment and
fair play. It was formed in 2008 under the guidance of several First Person Shooter gamers who decided to
create a competitive environment for each and every individual.

We focus on competitive First Person Shooters which include the Battlefield series and Call of Duty franchise
with the intention of achieving results. Our competitive divisions participate in various gaming ladders in
Australia and New Zealand.

At Team unKnown, we work towards building a friendly but engaging environment. We, as a group of gamers,
focus on improving each individual with the skills to complete any of life`s challenges at the same time as working
as a team to accomplish our cooperative goals.

As members come and go, we have managed to hold together and over time our members have formed a
community that is able to withstand any challenge. Team unKnown is managed by a few key individuals who
divide the workload into their specialised fields at the same time as incorporating new talent and implementing
new strategies to make sure the clan progresses.

We are always on the lookout for skilled and motivated players.If you feel this might be the place for you,
drop an application on our forums and come on over to our Teamspeak server.

Informacje z plutonu

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