ITalian ToUrNaMeN BTF3
Tag: [Tbf3] Web: Official website Fans: 30 Created: 2011-11-11

Platoon Presentation

Questo platoon è stato formato per organizzare cw fun in breve tempo.


- tHe SpEcTeRs - Il_Pagliaccio
- 19th Platoon - 19th_Demon
- Gov - beEnry - ClusterIT
- ClanForFun Italia - StALK3R88x
- SPQR - 8PSicOSkuNK3
- Delta Force Italia - Black_Owa84
- Legione Phoenix[ITA]
- Clan ITAK - IBing0I
- Gruppo Operativo Incursori - snipershady

ARMI VIETATE: esl rules

Buon Game

Platoon feed

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