Zion Africa Panthers
Tag: [ZAP] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-10-30

Platoon Presentation

Zion Africa Panthers [ZAP] is an all African 'elite' platoon, currently seeking out the very best Battlefield Gamers that our beautiful continent has to offer.
ZAP's primary objectives are to,hopefully, put African gaming on the map, produce excellent players accompanied by tones of fun and loads of great gameplay. ZAP hopes to soon be feared as a heavyweight Platoon with a twist......-with an ALL AFRICAN twist!! in the world we love and call Battlefield 3.

*IMPORTANT (please read)- Platoon Requirements:

1- All Members must either be African, live in Africa or have 'any' direct relation to Africa (*NOTE_identification of any of the above must be stated before joining the platoon).

2- In order to maintain ELITE status the platoon shall only be recruiting players with a colonel 12 rank! or Above (until stated otherwise).

3- All members must be active at least once a week.

Thats about all there is to it so i hope to see y'all on the Battlefield and can't wait to hopefully see Africans getting recognized as a united force......... ZAP!.
Alexander Ludwick (Founder)

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