Bosanske Barabe [BB]
Tag: [BB] Fans: 15 Created: 2012-12-26

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to the Bosanske Barabe platoon

WE ARE recruting

If you want to be a member of Bosnian Barabbas, please contact us to one of the leaders or the recruiter, who will give you the information that you want to know about BB clan.

This clan is only for players from the territory of the former Yugoslavia/EU speaking altogether, and for
players who want good company.

or clan tag

put clan tag [BB] or [BiH]

Rules / Regulations:
Knowledge of Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian/English language, you are not younger than 16 years and that you love teamwork.
Any discussion on a national basis raises a discharge from the clan.

New members will receive a pass from the TS recruiter
Using the TS while playing Battlefield 3 is required. Without communication there is no game!

admins of the bosnian server: jebo nas onaj ko nas sastavi


translation bosnian

Dobro dosli u nas klan ! / Welcome to our very Bosnian Clan

Ako želite biti član Bosanskih Baraba, molim vas da se javite nekome od vodja ili regruteru,koji ce vam dati informaciju koja vas zanima u vezi BB klana.

Ovaj klan je iskljucivo za igrace sa prostora govornog podrucja nekadasnje YU te uopce za igrace koji zele dobro druzenje.

Poznavanje Bosanskog/Srpskog/Hrvatskog jezika, da niste mladji od 16 godina i da volite timski rad.
Svaka rasprava na nacionalnoj osnovi povlaci za sobom izbacivanje iz klana.

Facebook Bosanske Barabe

Name: Bosanske Barabe
Password: Only for Members

Novi clanovi ce dobiti TS pass od strane regrutera
Upotreba TS za vrijeme igranja Battlefield 3 je obavezna. Bez komunikacije nema ni igre!


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