Drunk Misguided Misfit
Tag: [DMM] Fans: 5 Created: 2011-11-04

Platoon Presentation

1- what is your primary role? are you a medic, a recon, a sniper/counter sniper (recon and sniper/counter sniper are 2 deferent things completely. if i need to explain that too you then please do not apply), support, or engineer? we will not force you to play a role you are not familiar with playing. but if everyone if running an engineer or medic class we may ask if someone could please switch to supply or recon so we can get ammo or get a spawn point up (very rarely will we ask someone to switch to a sniper/counter sniper role)

2- your K/D vs SPM. some people are just better suited to being a bullet sponge and doing everything they can to hold the objective. some hold it from within and some hold it by setting an outer cordon and preventing people from getting in. those with high SPM and low KD are typically the ones you see in the objective and the ones you see with low SPM and high K/D are typically the outer cordon from what I've noticed. as long as you are holding the objective i don't care how it gets done

3-your W/L ratio. really i prefer people who have a high W/L because that means they may have friends who play as well. the reason i say that is because if you and your friends use team work and win a lot then most likely you will fit right in here.

4- what vehicles your good at. if you suck at a jet then please don't jump in it during a match (if your good at taking out ground troops but not good at dog fighting then thats ok as long as when you get a guy on your tail you fly towards a team member with some type of AA). that isn't that important on the older maps if we are doing a good job of holding the objectives but on the AK maps we need to keep the weak c130 up in the air as long as possible. if your not good at the mobile artillery is another example as well. we will have plenty of time to go onto an empty server and practice and I'm looking into purchasing a server of my own once the platoon is established.

5- communication. if your going to run off to an objective by yourself because you saw someone running that way thats ok. just tell us what your doing so that if possible someone can go with you to watch your back.

Semper Fi

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