The Organization
Tag: [O] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2012-08-10

Platoon Presentation

(In Construction)

"Life is a storm, We will bask in the sunlight one moment, but be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes us a team is what we do when that storm comes." -Alexandre Dumas


Vivid Image-
The Organization will compete primarily in 4v4 Squad Rush Matches. Our goal is to become a top BF3 Clan. We will compete in tournaments and ladders with cash rewards.

The purpose of The Organization is to create/train a number of teams that consist of well integrated friends that will learn to work off of Strategies which can help lead them to victory. However, any football coach can tell you that rigidity does not win games. Every coach has plans that allow for flexibility in formations to adapt to reality and these are called tactics. "Contact" is a word which better than any other, describes the dividing line between tactics and strategy. Strategy is a plan that is established before the battle; meanwhile, Tactics is flexibility during combat.
Our Teams will be flexible, smart, and most of all team-oriented.
(Notice- You don't have to be the best shooter to join.)

The Mission-
Our mission is to make this vision a reality, and that's only possible through Practice. Teams will meet up and play Squad Rush matches as often as possible. All we require is that every team plays at least 3 Squad Rush matches every day. (We will be flexible depending on the reality of the situation.)

Guiding Values-
-Bring Positive Moral Influence(It's easy to turn on one another when losing, help each other out, identify the problem and solve it.)


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