Gamers Pressure Group
Tag: [GPG] Web: Official website Fans: 36 Created: 2013-02-24

Platoon Presentation

within the Gaming industry who really has the power?

The Gamers or Developers?

By all accounts it should be us the gamers, Unfortunately that is not the case.

As it stands Developers and publishers have all the power once they get our money it's very easy not to give a damn.

The point of ''The Gamers Pressure Group'' (GPG) is to shift the power back into our hands where it belongs.

Too many times we have had to deal with half finished games being rushed to the shop fronts.

CoD and the many bugs and glitches
BF3 with Voip when it was released
MoH Warfighter and the broken Voip
Homefront with continued freezing
And many more....

Sometimes the fixes just take too long and the excuses as to why the fixes are not done just don't fit.

Hopefully with your help The twitter account @_TheGPG_ can gain enough followers to become the true voice of all gamers, PS3, XBOX, PC and Nintendo

I've had enough to the point where I'm trying something out, Please help me

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