Better than Halo
Презентация взвода
Clan originally formed on Eurogamer.net for Killzone 2, with loads of fantastic clan games under our belt from back then. The clan have also competed competitively on many other games, including BF:BC2 and Uncharted 2.
The name is an old Eurogamer joke, where the plebs continued for years to argue against EG's Halo review which gave it 8/10. Thus any game scoring higher received comments in the form of: "What, so this is better than Halo?"
Thus, the KZ2 clan name and tag were born, "Better than Halo, [8/10]". Recently we've been also using [BTH].
MATCHES (newest at the top)
vs DI3: 2-0 (Conquest Domination Hardcore)
vs ATN: 2-0 (Conquest Domination)
vs 539: 4-0 (Squad Rush)
vs CIW: 4-0 (friendly Squad Rush)
vs ABTL Hardcore Elite with a few guests ;) : 2-0
vs S8: 3-1 (Squad Rush)
vs S8: 3-1
vs S8: 1-2
vs ILB: 2-0
vs HBZ: 2-0
The name is an old Eurogamer joke, where the plebs continued for years to argue against EG's Halo review which gave it 8/10. Thus any game scoring higher received comments in the form of: "What, so this is better than Halo?"
Thus, the KZ2 clan name and tag were born, "Better than Halo, [8/10]". Recently we've been also using [BTH].
MATCHES (newest at the top)
vs DI3: 2-0 (Conquest Domination Hardcore)
vs ATN: 2-0 (Conquest Domination)
vs 539: 4-0 (Squad Rush)
vs CIW: 4-0 (friendly Squad Rush)
vs ABTL Hardcore Elite with a few guests ;) : 2-0
vs S8: 3-1 (Squad Rush)
vs S8: 3-1
vs S8: 1-2
vs ILB: 2-0
vs HBZ: 2-0
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