Тэг: [BFE] Фанаты: 10 Создано: 25.10.2011

Презентация взвода

To be the best means to be ELITE.

Open to members of all types who know the game, want to learn, or just want to get better.


1. Maintain a good attitude and play for fun. No one likes to listen to someone screaming in their ear. Sometimes, this can't be avoided. But we ask, if you are part of this team, have enough respect to not do so. Annnd, again, have fun! Conquer, just turn your mic off :p

2. Team work is essential. Work together as a team. If you have an issue with a member come see Conquer or Musty. That said, if you do not have a microphone yet, it would behoove you to get one. These can be purchased for fairly cheap.

3. Stay active on battlelog. This is where most of the posts for the Platoon will be. Post links or comment on posts please. THIS IS MANDATORY! Battlelog is a place where we can, as a team, establish a dialogue and decide in which way we would like to see the Platoon go. It's a hub for your ideas and thus, it's ok to give ideas. If you don't like how something is run or if you have an idea for the platoon, speak up. Post on the platoon wall or message people. You will also be expected to add everyone in the platoon to your friend list. This will make finding guys online to play with much easier.

4. DLC; casual members of this platoon will not be expected to purchase DLC. However, if you are playing on a regular basis and have been assigned a squad, you will be expected to have DLC when they drop.

5. Age 17 and over please.

6. When a part of BFE we expect that you will represent us in an ELITE manner. If it's to be found that you're mistreating or abusing fellow players, regardless of your skill or stats, there will be consequences in proportion to your actions.

7. Again, with presentation, we expect our platoon members to list BFE as their main platoon and wear our tag in multi-player matches. You may be a member of other platoons, but if recruited, this is expected to be your primary.

Effective 03/25/2012

If you would like to apply with Battlefield Elite we ask that you meet the following new criteria. Exceptions can and will be made to any of the following at the discretion of the leaders.

*Eagle rank.

*K/D ratio of at least 1.0

*SPM of at least 300.

*A total of two service stars with any of the kits provided in BF3. These can simply be in your favorite kit or in two separate kits.

*Age requirement of 17 or older. NO EXCEPTIONS. We've done so in the past and been made to regret said decisions. This rule is golden and unwavering.

These are MINIMUM requirements for players to apply. These DO NOT apply to existing members recruited prior to the date posted above. This is in an effort to slow recruitment and establish a more balanced platoon.

All avatar credit goes to "BristolDesigns." Thanks a ton man, you did a great job!




Charlie: (Reserves)


Are for competitive gameplay only. You are not restricted to playing only with the three guys assigned to your squad. Also, given the console's 12 player limit, not everyone will be included in every 12 v 12 match. We will assign primaries and reserves for each platoon. We will also try and include everyone, perhaps on a rotation. So be patient guys!

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