Тэг: [FF] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 95 Создано: 15.12.2011

Презентация взвода

FragFest is a gaming community, built on the principles of fair play & friendship. If you are able to follow our rules, respect our players and play for fun instead of glory, then we would love to get to know you better.

We do not allow multi-clanning, you cant be in multiple platoons

*We will continuously strive to provide a fun game server for all to enjoy and administer it with vigilance and fairness.

*We shall always promote fair play and good sportsmanship. Abusive attitudes will not be tolerated from anyone.

All server rules are in compliance with the EA Rules of Engagement, Rules of Conduct, and Server Admin Rules and Policies.

Join us on our Server: FragFest East


Apply for clan membership register on the forums @
Visit our web site for more info and to introduce yourself

Applicants are screened for any past gaming bans, prior to approval into the community.

Help us keep the quality of our server at a premium!

Лента взвода