506th E Company
Тэг: [506E] Фанаты: 11 Создано: 13.01.2012

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"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother" - William Shakespeare, Henry V

Created in honour of all the fighting men of E company, 506th PIR, 101st Airbourne. Known as the Band of Brothers. Whilst we enjoy the freedom to play at war, we must never forget that these men's sacrifice, bravery and honour enabled us to enjoy such a freedom. Major Dick Winters commanded these men. Have a look at www.majordickwinters.com to learn more about him and the men of Easy Company. Currahee!

Show your support, join our platoon and help us spread the word and continue to honour their memory and all who served, gave and lost during WW2

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