Тэг: [TPA] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 7 Создано: 26.06.2012

Презентация взвода

This platoon is made for the members and close friends of the clan Army_Of_One.
I (Combat_Veteran12) created this server to organise Close Quarters clan wars and to get to know who has got Premium and Completed most of the Assignments. Please enjoy your stay.


- Premium.
- Close Quarters DLC.
- Back To Karkand DLC.
- Completed at least 10 Assignments.
*- A positive K/D Ratio.
*- A positive W/L Ratio.

* These requirements are also needed to join Army_Of_One.

Exceptions will be made after being accepted into the platoon.
FRIDAY 29-6-2012
I Pick U Choose
Weapon: M16A3
Accessoires: Own Choice.
When: The Entire Day
The man that gets the most kills gets a promotion in TPA.
SATURDAY 30-6-2012
I Pick U Choose
Weapon: AUG A3
Accessoires: Own Choice.
From: The Entire Day.
The man that gets the most kills gets a promotion in TPA.

Лента взвода

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