Thriving In Chaos
Тэг: [TiC] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 29 Создано: 08.11.2012

Презентация взвода

Thriving in Chaos was founded in November, 2012 by Prime, Hawkeye, Rantheis and Mustang with just a TeamSpeak and an Unreal Tournament server. Believing that everyone with a passion for gaming needs an engaging outlet to share and express themselves, gamers flourish in a social environment that is supportive and informative. In a community like ours any person will be welcomed regardless of skill.

Five years after our humble beginnings, Thriving in Chaos now possesses a dedicated server that runs our TeamSpeak and 15+ gaming servers across various titles including CS:GO, Minecraft, GMOD, and ARK. Thriving under the guidance of the Community’s Council and the dedicated work of our team of Staff members, our success can also be attributed to our mission which is to create and maintain a diverse gaming organization that promotes a professional and respectful atmosphere for all players.

While the community has expanded substantially since the early days of Unreal Tournament, Thriving in Chaos continues to cater to the gamer. Moving forward, we intend to continue advancing our community in a positive direction for our members.

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