Тэг: [COB] Фанаты: 83 Создано: 14.12.2012

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Contractors On the Battlefield

Contractors On the Battlefield COB was created in Dec.2012 for a group of friends that just wanted to have fun playing Battlefield.

Simple COB rules.

We will respect our fellow clan mates and our enemies
We will work as a team and look after each other in battle
We will provide health when needed
We will revive our brothers/sisters only when it is safe to do so
We will provide our brothers/sisters with ammo when needed
We will communicate enemy positions and spot the enemy target for our brothers/sisters.
We will fight for our team and not our own K/D.
We will have fun playing together

** Now Recruiting jet pilots and tactical soldiers for today's Battlefield and tomorrows BF4 on both PS3 and next gen PS4 **

Joining COB

MUST have mic
MUST speak english
MUST be a team player
MUST be mature or at least act mature

For joining COB and for more info speak to our leaders.

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