Brick Squad Monopoly
Тэг: [BSM] Фанаты: 4 Создано: 29.12.2012

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Current Requirements:
Any level
Any skill
Mic preferable
Objective oriented(play the objectives)
Follow orders
Enjoy team play

Requirements will change as needed to better ourselves. Members who do not qualify for the join requirements who were already members upon increasing the requirements will not be kicked, but will be trained and worked with until they are up to par. All I ask is that you listen to your squad leaders and have the willingness to better yourselves.

Owner: Exialus/iCANhasYOURtags
Alpha Squad Leader: dead_red_bl00d
Bravo Squad Leader: Solidice94
Flight Squad Leader: Exialus
Tank Squad Leader: Deathstrike816

If you feel that you have what it takes to lead my teams in war and can outskill the current leaders, then "call your shot" meaning challenge them for thier position at that specialty. For example, if you would like to be the Tank Squad Leader then you would propose the challenge to the current leader and you will both be pitted against each other in a tank battle either with teams I selected or a team you select yourself(within the platoon). If your team manages the win then you will be promoted to that leader position.

If you would like to compete against other clans, then let me know and I will arrange them through either battlelog or 3rd party site such as Fragged Nation.

Just have fun and follow your leaders orders.

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