Тэг: [WB] Фанаты: 5 Создано: 22.08.2013

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Welcome to WildBros.

We are a social/competitive platoon, meaning that we play regularly to get to know each other and to have some fun but we will also be organizing some matches with other platoons.

At this point in time the platoon just needs the players to be there before we can fit any major restraints on rank structure.
But to keep some order this is what we have:

Field marshal : AWildeTime

Lieutenant colonel: Allyp33(Panther Squad)
Lieutenant colonel: InjuredPlayer(Fireteam Majestic)
Major general: Plopp3r(Alpha Team)
Captain: Saxon9688(Alpha Team)
Private: kyloskilledher93(Panther Squad)
Private: on2snipe(Fireteam Majestic)

Once we have enough members a more sufficient system will be put in place and players to have a rank suited to their time,skill and dedication within the platoon. As well as 4 teams with leaders capable of leading.

We have a server: WildBros. Server
As of now "practice" will be on Wednesday and Sunday 9:00 (GMT). We will adjust to meet the needs of gamers if they are unable to attend and there is no consequence against not coming along as of now, but it would be nice to let me know.

Platoon Requirements:
Try to attend weekly practices.
Wear the platoon tag (kinda helps us know whos team your on)
Be nice and try to have a sense of humor
Respect your Ranking Officer
Need a Mic

Any problems message AWildeTime or Allyp33

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