BattleField UK
Тэг: [BCUK] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 139 Создано: 21.03.2012

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To our fans, followers & fellow gamers. From today, our name will be changing to reflect the morals we represent & the community we have become. Our tags will now read 'BCUK' and along with you, we will be: THE Battlefield Community of the UK

For existing BCUK members and future members

if these are a problem please do the right thing stand down and remove clan tag

1.We DO NOT stand for prejudice of ANY kind Whatsoever this is an instant ban

2. new members added to platoon from now on will only be accepted after a period of time

3.If joining a party that includes people you don't know or dont know very well ,then please be civil ,we consist of a wide variety of people now and what is acceptable to some may not be to others ,anyone found/heard making other people uncomfortable or alienated from the group will be warned or asked to leave ,we all love a bit of banter but this has caused problems before so thought it needed saying again ,some people forget
it's not hard to check the names in a party when you join
4.YOU are partly responsible for the people you ask to join BCUK if you think they are the kind that cannot behave civil towards people in the correct way then and follow these guidlines then i/we don't want them

5.In the party there maybe people helping us out with other things to do with BCUK in other areas and stupid comments,making fun out of these people does not look good on us and will not be tolerated ( it has happened already)we have built a good rep with some really great people over the last year,we will not have it tarnished by a minority

............................Hardcore mode players mostly people from UK but we also have some allies from other countries

Having fun while playing the objective is how we roll

our server please favourite

BattleField UK/HC

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