Spec Ops Executive
Тэг: [SOE] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 43 Создано: 14.03.2013

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To see the full presentation you must have the BBlog plugin,get it for free here : http://getbblog.com/es/install

To get the full Battlefield 3 experience, cooperation and teamwork are a must. That is what we are about. We fight as a team and work as a platoon to complete the objectives for victory. If you have a role you enjoy most, we will find a way for you to enjoy your role, while working as a platoon..We are looking for dedicated and committed soldiers to help us in the upcoming competitive matches,we are located in europe mainly but we have members from all arround the world,we are looking for mature people over +20 years old,exeptions can be made under special situations,we play mostly in hardcore mode but we can play normal if its required.
Here you will find a little but very friendly group of blokes who PTFO no matter what,we are very active we play battles everyweek also we do trainings two times a week in our own server,we have a kickass website outside battlelog,signing up its required to join the team.

.. So in order to join you must be,have and do in this order:

-You must be humanoid, we are not accepting aliens (Zombies included).
-You must have micro or headset .
-You must be +20 years old .
-We have members from all arround the world but mainly from europe so we use english to communicate with each other.
-We have a no bullshit attitudes policy in our platoon , so PTFO or GTFO lone wolves are not welcome here,teamwork is a must to be a part of this platoon.

1-Apply to join the platoon in battlelog. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391928804589/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
2-Add Gurka or Rambo as a friends in PS Network if you are in Europe or /and Steve if you are in America.
3-Register in our website. http://spec-ops-exec.enjin.com/home [spec-ops-exec.enjin.com]
4-Change your clan tags in your profile to .
5-Be active in our website to stay tuned with the news.
6-Participate on the Squad trainings.
We do 2 trainings everyweek , Tuesdays and Fridays its mandatory to assist if you wanna compete in our team,exceptions can be made in special situations.Newcomers who doesnt show up or doesnt register in the website will be kicked out of the team in a week.
------------------------------------------- http://spec-ops-exec.enjin.com/home -------------------------------------------

If you are planning to buy grand Theft Auto V check out this thread,we are planning to disenbark in Los Santos as sson as posible.sice it looks like is gonna be the best game ever made.Go here and vote.

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