Anti-Vehicle Whores
Тэг: [AVW] Фанаты: 18 Создано: 05.07.2013

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Nothing is more beautiful than watching a vehicle whore rage quit.

Ever been in one of those games where your team are a bunch of sissy's and are pushed back to spawn because they refuse to engage the vehicles. Well we are here to help. Send a message to someone with "AVWTA" - Anti Vehicle Whore Team Assemble. Let them know where they are and let the anti vehicle whore team ruin the pub stomping douchebags day - A rage quit is the ultimate victory.

Ever seen a tank destroyed in one wave of RPG's? It's beautiful!

So if destroying vehicles is what floats your boat, if upsetting tryhards is where you get your kicks, or if you just want to boost your engineer / support stats.... Then this is the place for you. All we ask is you set your sights to putting fear and misery into a vehicle whores day.

Group t-bagging is encouraged after a vehicle is destroyed.

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