[82nd] 82nd Airborne Division

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Alle Mitglieder ansehen (64)

Erstellt: 27.02.2014

20.348.176 / 3.306.000

6266S 32M
WE are a Band of brothers that's been together since BF1943. More of a family then clan.
A daily ritual to sign in and see the same names everyday. 82nd!
Our Stat page: http://bf4stats.com/lb/82ndGaming [bf4stats.com]
Clan etiquette: Please read full presentation...

Be a TEAM player. Squad together. RESPECT one another.

We have learned over the years that fighting against fellow clan members only adds to disunity. Please don't do it.

Communication is vital. Please join the "Party Chat" and use your Mic.

Be mature- no racism or discrimination will be tolerated.

Have FUN!

Must be a team player whom will respect other mates & other clan members. It's about having Fun & winning as a team.

Check battlelog frequently for posts and updates. HOOAH!!!




How dare you use the 82nd Airborne logo.
vor 3 Jahren • 0 Like
One of the sweatiest fucking platoons in all of battlefield, constantly absuing game mechanics to make themselves feel good, deadass need to get a fucking life, there's no such thing as "competitive battlefield" (at least that can make you any money), if you're gonna sweat go play CS:GO or something, at the very least get out of your mom's fucking basement
vor 4 Jahren • 1 Like
I've played competitive Siege matches and Champion Ranked Siege matches less sweaty than these fucks
Like ffs, it's a casual game, no one fucking cares about your K/D on BF4, especially on a fucking dead game, it's not gonna make the girls panties drop and it's not gonna make you any fucking money, get a god damn fucking life
4 years her
Played some matches against one of your guys today. He was great, beast in the chopper.. the team he was on, not so great..lol http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/32/451032560455880384/905463729/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
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Blueberry efficiency factor was definitely low! lol
10 years her
I suck now though :)
i'm gonna get razah a nice backpack to carry me in for bf1
7 years her
Always looking for good team players...!
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
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10 years her
Alot more going on on the private page BTW... WELCOME aboard Willy!!
10 years her
Great playing with a band of brothers and sisters (KarnEvilGirl showed me a thing or two the last game we played in) that understand teamwork and playing the objective. I was very impressed with the communications, quick response and unquestionable support that was going on through the matches. Your group has a sixth sense and awareness that you all should be proud of. I look forward to running with the 82nd any day. Hoorah!
vor 10 Jahren • 3 Likes
Awesome! What WE can do together; I cannot do alone!!! 82nd!!!
10 years her
Yes teamwork is great and the win loss record shows when the teams are playing as a team.

10 years her
good games, our sever is stuck on official so we couldn't put you one team, but in the future please pick aside. We've been recently accused of stacking.
vor 7 Jahren • 0 Like
82nd teamstacks on the regular. In fact, we require team stacking. Dice Confirmed.
7 years her
Gen-Angst your battle log list is full bro
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
are u guys up for a 12v12 or 16 vs 16?
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
do you guys have you own server?
8 years her
Hey Alex & Skinny. Apologies for the very delayed response. Unfortunately we have lost a lot of our guys to other games until whenever the new BF5 pops up so at this time we are not playing vs anyone. Sorry but appreciate you guys checking in.
8 years her
12v12 ? Add me on bl if so
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
I propose a retro BF3 day on Saturday April 5th to remind our 82nd buddies we have not forgotten them just because we hopped on the ps4's.

I know Pedro would really appreciate seeing the old dogs in the platoon stop by and play a couple rounds with him.
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
Sounds good, what time(s) did you have in mind... Gonna be tough for me given my schedule for this Saturday
10 years her
I say just jump on when you can. Especially when our ps3 teammates are playing.
10 years her
Saw the message you left on the page. They were some great games we played. Very competitive, skilled, and well organized players reside among your ranks. Holy Originz would like to have your platoon as an ally. So how about it?
vor 9 Jahren • 2 Likes
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Please chat with CDOT or add the founders & leader as friends on PS4. It's best to get in a chat to discuss. Thx.
9 years her
Will do.
9 years her
Platoon is running well bro's... Good teamwork!
vor 10 Jahren • 2 Likes
Great teamwork!!!
10 years her
Agree brother. We have put together a bad ass bunch of players
10 years her
10+ players in a server is so much fun. Great games everyone
vor 10 Jahren • 3 Likes
If anyone needs to merge an Origin account with their main account contact customer service under 'Feedback and Support' and then to the EA help center. The only thing I lost was my friends list from BroYoLo-Koji. Not a Big deal.
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Same spot same claymore: http://youtu.be/wx0Ex3_Qo1E [youtu.be]
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Noob loadout pt 2: http://youtu.be/6BjkgLy7tmY [youtu.be]
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
cdot2four BF4 noob loadout: http://youtu.be/0JvuJYXSX3g [youtu.be]
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Hey fuentes! Good to see you on PS4! Thx for the invite, I'll graciously decline, but will spread the word and see if any of the other guys are interested. Take it easy bro!
10 years her
Fantastic teamwork once again 82nd!!!
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
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^ Agreed!
10 years her
Yeap bf4 is ridiculous
10 years her
Hey guys! Glad to see the 82nd going strong in BF4..Maybe an 82nd vs EVL clan battle in the not so distant future? Be like old times :)
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey lifelost! If it ever became logistically possible, sounds great! Definitely will be exciting to say the least : }
10 years her
Hahaha! Sounds good Life. Great to see you. Actually played with Abdobon and A few other Evils, on the same team, lol.
10 years her