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Alle Mitglieder ansehen (173)

Website: www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4 • Erstellt: 28.02.2014

16.008 / 19.000

152S 37M
This is the platoon for those who play Battlefield 4 on the PS4 in the US.
This one is now full, please check back at /r/battlefield_4 for a the next available platoon.


Hey guys! Any premium members out there who want to squad up go for the Phantom Bow? Msg me on PSN if you are interested. Im Evman_1234
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
New DLC. And I'm back guys. Finals coming up though..
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
I rented a server for the month. You are all welcome there. Hit me up on here or shoot me a message on the PS4 if your interested in becoming an admin.
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
ready for some dragon's teeth, I'll be on when its finished in about n hour! HOOAHHH
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Add me as a friend if you wanna play with someone who can talk and listen to directions!
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Just applied! /u/projester101
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
Founder here. I haven't been able to play because I've been busy with school and work. But I made Silentviper92 a second Founder since he actually groups up with some of you guys.

If I see some of you gathering squads together to play and rank up the platoon, I'd gladly rank you guys up to Leader.

Remember, to rank up our platoon, you have to have 4 (i believe) or more members in a server.
You should all try to add one another or see who's playing (ON THE LEFT OF HERE) and join their game.

Game on.
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
looking for players to play with as a team add up
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
need fellow reddit clan members to join up with, if anyone wants to squad up and take out the trash send me a FR to my PSN blackninjaforevr or just a game invite haha
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
Hey everyone! Would like to join up with some of y'all! Hopefully the rubber-banding is going to be resolved shortly and we'll have a blast!
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Has anyone else been using the JS2? I love this little gun so much...
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
not yet, but been thrashed by it aplenty!
10 years her
3rd Platoon is up and running:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/9081109091976472219/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Adsilva7 - add me
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Psychosticks add me if you have a mic. I wish it was not so hard to party up in this game but it is
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
PSN: panopticonoclast
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
I have a brand new Gold Wireless Headset that's going to waste.
10 years her
I can't find that PSN name
10 years her
please remove tazz062009 and add me, same person. i accidentally joined with my pc bf3 account instead of the ps4 bf4 account, sorry about that mods.

PSN: tazzat22
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
anyone help?
10 years her
Hey guys, lets try and get a group of us together so we can actually rank up our platoon. I'm going to be playing tomorrow night, Thursday (3/6) starting around 9:30/10 PM eastern time, hopefully I can get 4 or 5 people from the platoon to join me. Reply to this if you think you can make it and make sure to add your gamer tag so I can add you on PSN.

My PSN: MrToboggan (I will accept any friend request so just send them)
vor 10 Jahren • 3 Likes
Almost have a platoon set up currently a few people that I have added are currently all playing battlefield. If y'all want to play now the lets do it.

vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like

let's play like….right now. Kill some shit apples.
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
PSN: CdMax10
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like