[84th] 84th Rail Splitters

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Website: 84th.enjin.com/profile/1681803 • Erstellt: 05.03.2014

10.753 / 21.000

173S 23M
The 84th has been a Clan on PS3 for over 3 years and PS4 for 2 years . We play both BF3 & 4 and hardline. We play on PS3 and PS4. This was Created by a married man with real life responsibilities and a firm understanding of how gaming is not a real world priority and that play time can be limited.

We are looking for members that are not only interested in playing the latest BF games with a clan but people that are interested in making new friends. With us it’s not all about your kill ratio or exploits as a lone wolf etc.
No, here at the 84th it’s about having fun while kicking the ass of the opposite side, winning objects and generally working as a close knit team…!! While having fun and a few laughs at the same time. You won’t find a more fun or friendly gaming experience out there until you’ve experienced a night of gaming with us and vibrant forum http://84th.enjin.com/ [84th.enjin.com] where you can chat and interact will fellow clan members, whether that’s discussing the latest game news/releases to what happened the night before while playing your favorite game.

No one is left behind we fight as a team and we fall as a team, but if we win or we lose it would be always with Honor.

84th requirements are simple:
1.must be 17 +
2. Be respectful, be a team player, play to win and attack the objectives.
3. Be active in the 84th; both in game and on our website.

Our web site is http://84th.enjin.com [84th.enjin.com]


You guys still active? I still play but on PC...
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
I do its Ryno but my new name is RavixDJ
2 years her
welcome to our new members !! we are in the rebuilding stages for the 84th I would like to see members with the clan tags on and active on the web site http://84th.enjin.com/ [84th.enjin.com] in the next week I will be Choosing new officers so if you think you have what it takes to do this just let me know a list of what is open will be posted on the web site by the end of this week ...

vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
the 84th is back !!! welcome new members and welcome back old ones !!! we are rebuilding the 84th from the ground up with your help we can relive the good old days when we kick everyones a$$ ! and hardly lost a game !! no more bullshit just great playing !
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
well the 84th is going to be inactive until we get more players thanks for the past 3 1/2 years it has been a blast !!! thanks this not the end but just a break ......strike fast !!! strike hard !!!! go 84th ....
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
I was on the bf3clan and enjoyed it very much
vor 9 Jahren • 2 Likes