[BomB] BoMb Elite

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Voir tous les membres (35)

Site web : bfmercenarybattalion.webs.com • Créée : 11-05-2014

4 587 469 / 3 306 000

4 587 469
1780 h 25 m
This is the OFFICIAL BOMB ELITE platoon. (PS3)

***Updated Rules***
Members wanting to join BomB Elite must be active members of BoMb and BoMb 2nd Division. Squading up with other members of BomB Elite is a must to be evaluated before and after being accepted into Elite. Once in BomB Elite it is a MUST to add all Leaders and Founders to both your Battlelog and PSN friend list for communication and squading up with ease. If you're on a roster for a scheduled event then you are fully expected to be online and available no less than 30 minutes before the start time. Otherwise we will pull a backup to fill your spot in the match. Missing scheduled events without prior notice will result in being removed from Elite without exception. You are here to battle, not flake out at the last minute. Prolonged inactivity will result in a kick, Elite members are expected to be, at the very least, weekly players. Its also strongly suggested that you use a mic. Understandable if you cant but we do expect you to be able to hear the communication going on ingame. If you cant manage all of the above then Elite is not for you.


We are currently looking for platoon battles. We mostly play conquest but will do rush. We ask for at least a weeks notice before battles and scrims. **Our rules of battle are as follows: 1. No jet ram. 2. No base killing. 3. No stealing enemy vehicles from base. 4. No cheaters or glitchers, play fair. We allow any weapon because we are not cowards. We will NOT battle you if you are a coward and restrict any weapons!!**

Time zone breakdown:
12:00pm ET = 11:00am CT = 9:00am PST = 6:00pm CET
Record: 9-6, ☆=Tournament battle
BomB(W) vs TSF(L)
BomB(W) vs SyN(L)//BomB(W) vs SyN(L)
BomB(L) vs SIC1(W)
BomB(L) vs ICE(W)
BomB(W) vs PRED(L)
BomB(L) vs CNU(W)
BomB(L) vs 1F(W)
BomB(W) vs WASP(L)
☆BomB(W) vs TBag(L)
☆BomB(L) vs Tdg(W)
☆BomB(W) vs 77th(L)
☆BomB(W) vs LUMP(L)
☆Bomb(L) vs 1F(W)
BomB(W) vs YOLO(L)



Anyone looking to get active again on BF4 on PS4.... We have a good core group but looking to add more ACTIVE members. Our goal is to start competing in clan wars soon just need to bump our active membership base back up. Check us out.

We have a solid infantry base with great overall gamers. We have great teamwork orientated attacking strategy.

We are looking for:

Jet pilots
Helicopter pilots

If you want to join an established Clan with a winning record in Clan battle tournaments come BoMb with us. We bring the entertainment level up a couple notches. We live up to our name. Come destroy people with the Empire simply known as BoMb

Just got our new PS4 server 10/31/15

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/6833258456118550054/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
Must be dead platoon. Instead of just a platoon for a game why not join something bigger? SOPF Gaming Community plays on all consoles, PC, and even google play games. We stay in touch and give updates on the latest games or consoles coming out. Be a part of something bigger.
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
si me aceptan
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
helo pilot here... Just applied.
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
12v12 cqs? Message me on psn if so....
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
whos down for some game tonight? (PS3 only) must have all the DLC
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
Hi i'd like to join the clan. Feel free to see my stats.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Are you guys interested in a Schrimage . We only play Hardcore and 16 v 16 or up. If your Clan is interested send me a PSN Friend Request. So we can talk more details
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
I'm sorry if I haven't been on guys, school and applying to colleges has taken up most of my time. If you will allow it (I understand if you won't allow it), I would like to be accepted back into ELITE. I'll try to get on at least once or twice a week.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
I would love to have you back bro!!!! just let me know when you are going to start getting on and ill talk with the other founders bro.
9 years plus tôt
hey can i join 2 i was im and got kicked when i joined for ps4
9 years plus tôt
Oops ignore apply pls
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that i won't be playing anymore on ps3. I really enjoyed playing in this Platoons. Since i won't be playing on ps3. i will leave the platoon. I am leaving because i am no longer going to play on ps3.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
hey u guys intrested in a 10v10 or 8v8 dom or tdm?
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Are you guys down for a war 12 vs 12 CQ against NBS? Message me if you guys are intrested.
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
are you guys only ps3 and ps4 or do you have any 360 members that are willing to do a 5v5?
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Anyone up for a 12v12 Cq match v FOX?
contact me or one of my PS3 leaders to set up negotiations.
il y a 9 ans • 2 J'aime
Heya ARC is interested in seeing if you guys would be interested in a 5v5 Domination Scrimmage sometime in the near future. Message me back on Battlelog or on PSN if you're interested in details and setting up the scrimmage.

PSN: Calm_Breaths
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
2 / 6 commentaires Plus d'infos
Ok well let me know if you can. Arc played a couple of Bomb's founders on the regular platoon page a couple of days ago and we wanted to see if we could play Bomb Elite. Is Bomb Elite mostly based on the PS3?
9 years plus tôt
Yes as of now BomB Elite is mostly ps3 based, but we are working on getting ps4 mates in here. I talked with another founder and we both think we should wait on a battle with you. We just dont have the ps4 numbers and the ones we do have are not battle ready yet. I will def keep you guys in mind and hopefully soon we can schedule a battle bro :)
9 years plus tôt
https://twitter.com/BOMB_NATION_BF4 [twitter.com]

Official twitter feed for everything bomb
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Curious if I could try out for your platoon! Regular player!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
2 / 4 commentaires Plus d'infos
Im in a casual platoon? The devide is a bit much when putting it like that. Well this casual recruited about 13 in under a week. Ok back to the casual side, lol.
9 years plus tôt
https://twitter.com/BOMB_NATION_BF4 [twitter.com]

Official twitter feed for everything bomb
9 years plus tôt
x8 DOM battle??
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
8v8 DOM
9 years plus tôt
16v16 cq small Add me on here if so
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime