[LAF] The Cool People Lounge

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Pokaż wszystkich członków (52)

Stworzono: 24.02.2015

2 886 / 11 000

12 886
10h 2m

(We serve Ginseng Tea.)

After the thread was finally locked, I decided to reboot the platoon for any of the former posters to have a place to congregate and discuss any and all things "Off-topic" in a friendly, more private atmosphere. Because this is a platoon as opposed to a forum thread, we are much more under the radar. As such, the rules will be a lot more lax. All language, links and topics are allowed here, just make sure to be mindful of what you post and we won't have any trouble from the mods. If anything crosses the line, I'll delete it, but remember: post freely, and have have fun.

Enjoy your stay!

http://i.imgur.com/PsUMxrq.gif [i.imgur.com]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PocMujvJ4B8 [youtube.com]

Apple Revolution Coordinator - WilliamTell
Back Alley Medical Professional - TheDocWillSeeYou
Bar Singer - ASovietWaffle
Bouncers - EA_AgentX, EA_Sutii, Red_Spider
Co-Hostess - 50ShadesOfShin (Coffee)
Co-Manager - ThangJames
Couch Potato - 50ShadesOfMiro
Disc Jockey - Tankually
Dutch Butler - Velvet_RoomP4
Dutch Maid - RedPls
Head Chef - OspreyInbound
Hostess - Just_a_Jumprope (Beverages)
Lounge Librarian - Dat_Eevee
Lounge Mascot - GigantusInPantus
Lounge Medical Professional - Wubtavia
Lounge News Analyst and Reporter - newsWatch9
Lounge Oberscharführer/Pet - TheWarNeko
Lounge Viking/Village Idiot - ObliviousViking
Manager - Griffinbound
Professional Tentacle Consultant/First Lord of the Admiralty - EternalSeas
Research and Development Chief Physicist - AceFoSho
Transportation Services/Valet/Daycare Coordinator - Bfizzle62

(Better Battlelog is recommended when viewing this page, and those following it.)


The platoon is now completely constructed. Feel free to read the new platoon presentation for information regarding posting guidelines. Enjoy your stay.
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
So even the CPL got taken down huh, Furry thread too stronk.
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
git rikt m8s

naw jk .......I dunno why we stayed this long XD
8 years temu
Уважаемый взвод!
TEAM FURY приглашает Вас на наши стабильные сервера:

Сервер №1 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/0b32bc5b-4010-455f-9298-2479dc3ecfc6/2-FURY-Dragon-Valley-2015-Conquest-2000-Tickets/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Сервер №2 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/83e69988-e0fc-4aae-ac1e-d8986d456167/Multiplay-FURY-2-ONLY-OPERATION-LOCKER-KILL-ALL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Информация о сервере:
http://vk.com/topic-97515639_33284342 [vk.com]

Всем душевной игры и хорошего скилла!
До встречи на поле боя!

С уважением TEAM FURY.
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Holy shit, people were actually posting on the public page. Why did I not get notifications for this? Stupid Battlelog.
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
now thay you guys actually have a platoon, can't you remake the thread in the platoon section of the forums as some kind of official discussing ground for platoon thingies.... i'm just saying...
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
you denie me
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
ohh hi
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
You're missing the Village Idiot?
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
So I am not getting accepted?
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
Sodium Chloride
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
Please accept me...
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
Tempted to join,but I have 3 platoons already. It wasn't meant to be. ;_;
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
#2Cool4Me D:
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Time to kick off the dust and get things going, since the thread has been closed. Welcome to the Cool People's Lounge.
8 lata temu • 1 Lubię to