[BG] BytegamingDE

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Website: bytegaming.de/ • Created: 2014-02-28

15,288 / 31,000

234h 34m


Cheater clan reported, eniy your ban...every single one of you x
8 years ago • 0 Like
SO take Notice you useless Muppets! Youre whole Platoon is from now Blacklisted and marked as dirtyplayers on every BF4 Server EU / GER soon! Especially " dOnUt345 " is banned soon on every EU Server! We prefer you stop insult us with childish behave dump scums! Also youre whole ID´s are reported to EA cologne direct!
Oh in Case if you rename, really dont worry we track you allways!
8 years ago • 0 Like
oooh is someone a little hater that can't lose? I'll open a glass pity if I have time. So shut up! Your little report will change nothing. And we all know that you don't have the power to get us on the blacklist of all EU servers.
8 years ago
WIe wärs mit nem Clanwar?
müssten uns mal den Termin ausmachen...
10 years ago • 0 Like
Wir haben einen brandneuen Team Speak 3 Server für euch, welcher unter ts3.bytegaming.de zu erreichen ist.
10 years ago • 2 likes