
Latest login: Germany Germany


Battlefield 1942 Legende
Battlefield Vietnam Legende
Battlefield 2 Legende
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat Legende
Battlefield 2142 Legende
Battlefield Bad Company Legende
Battlefield Heroes Legende
Battlefield 1943 Legende
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Legende
Battlefield Play4free Legende
Battlefield 3 Legende
Battlefield 4 Legende
Battlefield Hardline Legende
I have 3 accounts and have played every Battlefield game 100% with 2 Accouts, and always have all orders, medals, weapon, vehicles, ribbons. Etc ... always played to 10000000000% and I find I am already a true legend.
Coolityp1_Im7rh is only sharing this with friends.


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