[LSG] Lucky Shot Gaming

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Créée : 24-01-2015

6 070 618 / 3 306 000

6 070 618
2556 h 54 m


(LSG) storkant : Fuck Cheater Platoon--Game Hack
il y a 6 ans • 0 J'aime
Clark <3
6 years plus tôt
(tB) DANNYonPC : Fuck Cheater & Hacker
6 years plus tôt
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guys hello who can help me end phantom mission bf4 add me
il y a 7 ans • 0 J'aime
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can you accept im a recruit
il y a 7 ans • 0 J'aime
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Hello guys. ty for inv
il y a 7 ans • 0 J'aime
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Hi guys!

sYnczz Your friends list appears to be full... (GJ origin...)
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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hello guys. You know 1 player in your squad is hacking on bf4? she use wallhack and aimbot 100%. hes name is "timmmme". i was espectating and recording him and when i saw me writing a tell all player hes cheater, she left the server. Im sure your squad is legal, but this player smell. regards
il y a 8 ans • 3 J'aime
100% confirming this too, but theres no sense in talking to a hacker squad. just tell server admins and beg something like karma exists. maybe he gets cancer or so
8 years plus tôt
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Are you interested in playing a Clanwar against Dutch Dokusai?
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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Guys here is the Adversting for the platoons in BF4, in US, DE, and RU language.
What you must to do is just spam this text in any platoons of BF4.


We invite you all to our Pistol Only server.
The server is new and need visitors!!!
Thank you guys for yours understanding.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/servers/show/pc/f0ae237b-7e72-48cb-a795-7d2ff0d41991/Pistol-Knife-ONLY-NO-Grenades/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Wir laden euch ein zum unseren Only Pistol Server.
Der Server ist neu und bräuchte besucher!!!
Ich bedanke mich schon im voraus für ihre aufmerksamkeit.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/serverbrowserwarsaw/show/pc/f0ae237b-7e72-48cb-a795-7d2ff0d41991/Pistol-Knife-ONLY-NO-Grenades/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Мы приглашаем вас всех на наш Сервер строго только Пистолеты и Ножи.
Сервер был активирован 2 дня назад, мы нуждаемся в поситителях.
Благодарю вас за ваше понимание.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/serverbrowserwarsaw/show/pc/f0ae237b-7e72-48cb-a795-7d2ff0d41991/Pistol-Knife-ONLY-NO-Grenades/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
why are you telling them to spam stuff idiot noob lol
8 years plus tôt
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il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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Hello, could the founder of LSG take contact with me? Thanks! :)
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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hey, thanks for the admission, on a good together play
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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http://www.twitch.tv/metinpasa1989 [twitch.tv]
So follow my stream and I will follow yours if you have one, or just simply come watch me play tomorrow and I know you'll enjoy yourself :)
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
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Hey guys! Just bought the game and thought I'd apply here since my friends Vivovix and Dilusionfox are in this clan aswell! Hope to see you all online soon! (:
il y a 8 ans • 1 J'aime
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Might aswell Apply. YOU FORCED MY HAND Mik0nik!!! (an awesome repair dude/spotter).

But for reals, I've played with you guys quite a bit now since my friends found this place interesting.
I live on the tears of salty scrubs (very nutriscious, they are).
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
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Hi guys,I want to offer you to play klan wars 8x8 bnl rules,if interestingly add me in battlelog
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
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