[WBKS] WaffenBrueder Kassel

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Site web : www.wbks-clan.de • Créée : 27-02-2014

26 072 724 / 3 306 000

26 072 724
14407 h 39 m
Hallo Zockerfreunde und StammSpieler von WBKS-Gaming,

dieses Platoon ist nur für Member vom Clan "WaffenBrueder Kassel WBKS".
Für alle ClanFreunde und StammSpieler habe wir extra mehrere Platoon's
"Gaming-Kassel-Friends - WBGK" gegründet.

Helft uns morgens unsere Server zu füllen und bekommt als Dank einen VIP-Slot für 2 Tage.
Help us to get our servers running in the morning and receive a VIP-Slot for 2 day's.

Spielt die Challenges auf den Servern und gewinnt einen VIP-Slot für 7 Tage auf dem Server.
Play the challenges on our servers and win a VIP-Slot for 7 Day's.

Spendet mit PayPal für unsere GameServer und bekommt einen VIP-Slot für 1,50€ im Monat pro Server.
Donate via PayPal for our GameServers and get a VIP-Slot for 1,50€ / month and server.

Besucht uns im TS3 unter > TS.WBKS-Clan.de
To join our TS3 use > TS.WBKS-Clan.de

Folgt uns und tretet bei:
Bei Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/WBKSClan [facebook.com]
Bei Discord > https://discord.gg/MZQ5YfC [discord.gg]

Follow and join us here:
On Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/WBKSClan [facebook.com]
On Discord > https://discord.gg/MZQ5YfC [discord.gg]

Wir betreiben momentan 11 Battlefield 4, 9 Battlefield 3 und 3 Battlefield BadCompany 2 GameServer.

Sucht Uns einfach im ServerBrowser unter: WBKS
Search by Servername - Filter = WBKS

BFV - WBKS Gaming#1 - Coming in 2019
BFV - WBKS Gaming#2 - Coming in 2019

BF4 - WBKS Gaming#1 - EPS 60Hz - CQ Premium Maps - VoteMap - 70 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#2 - 24/7 Metro - NoRules - 3000 Tickets - NoobMagnet - 70 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#3 - 60Hz - 24/7 CQ Metro / Locker - 36 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#4 - 60Hz - TDM Bolt Snipers & Pistol Only - VoteMap - 36 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#5 - 60Hz - CQ Best Vanilla Maps - VoteMap - 36 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#6 - 24/7 Locker - NoRules - 3000 Tickets - NoobMagnet - 70 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#7 - 24/7 HC Locker - NoRules - 3000 Tickets - 70 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#8 - 60HZ - TDM Best Maps - 200 Tickets - VoteMap - 34 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#9 - 60HZ - 24/ HC CQ Locker - Hardcore Battle - 36 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#9a - 24/7 Golmud - 3200 Tickets - FastVehicle - NoobMagnet - 70 Slots
BF4 - WBKS Gaming#9b - 24/7 Metro - NoExplosive & ShotGun limit - 36 Slots

BF3 - WBKS Gaming#1 - 24/7 Metro - NoRules - 3000 Tickets - NoobMagnet - 64 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#2 - MixMode&Maps - CQ Rush B2K CQ AK AM EG - 200% Tickets - 64 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#3 - 24/7 Metro - NoExplosives - 3000 Tickets - NoobMagnet Special - 64 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#4 - 24/7 SQDM - Noshahr Canals - NoBMP - 32 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#5 - Rush Classics - 200% Tickets - 64 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#6 - 24/7 CQ Sharqi Peninsula - 200% Tickets - 32 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#7 - HardCore - MixMode - CQ Rush Vanilla Maps - 200% Tickets - 64 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#8 - 24/7 TDM - Noshahr Canals - 500 Tickets - 32 Slots
BF3 - WBKS Gaming#9 - TDM Bolt Snipers & Pistol Only - VoteMap - 32 Slots

BFBC2 - WBKS Gaming #1 - Rush - NoRules - 32 Slots
BFBC2 - WBKS Gaming #2 - 24/7 Valparaiso - NoRules - 32 Slots
BFBC2 - WBKS Gaming #3 - 24/7 Arica Harbor - 1000 Tickets - 32 Slots


nice baserape immer fly2go schande!!!!!
il y a 1 an • 0 J'aime
using vpn is prohibited?
il y a 1 an • 0 J'aime
1 year plus tôt
Seriously lads - your server balancing needs addressing urgently.

Just ask NoPainNoGain about this round.

https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/1520163556193714176/235470300/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
il y a 1 an • 0 J'aime
____ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿ '\ ̵͇̿̿ \ z = (▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) = ε / ̵͇̿̿ /' ̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿____
Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey, i want to report one of your admins for abusing commands. Kicked me on your no rules server for baseraping while he was basecamping with aa. https://im.ge/i/086Ir [im.ge]. The server was https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/f2d692ed-1444-4c0d-98c2-cfea0c73c0ad/1-WBKS-VANILLA-MAPS-NO-RULES-FAST-VEHICLE-SPAWN/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]. Can you please do something to prevent such things in the future?
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
Also im not posting this to your forum because that admin who abused commands is actually one of the moderators on your forum.
2 years plus tôt
Hi WBKS, i just have a small friendly request. Would you and your admins be able to be a bit less abusive on your servers. If you realy want players to help populate your empty servers try to be a bit more friendly instead of abusing admin powers. Maybe, just maybe players will start helping to populate your servers.
il y a 3 ans • 1 J'aime
2 / 5 commentaires Plus d'infos
All Admins using Wallhacks also overpowered Admins rules against players! They always play on winning side and switching players who ever they don't like!
That is so lame!
2 years plus tôt
Lady, you were insulting others and than you wrote that we should switch teams, so if you want to play against us i switch you. WBKS play the most of the time on the side they come at the start of the round.
2 years plus tôt
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
Bestname12345 cheater who play on server #2
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
Reports please here, with proof...
https://www.wbks-clan.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=2546&start=1460 [wbks-clan.de]
2 years plus tôt
h0blaa player who play on yopurs server metro is a cheater he olways play acwr and if battle finish i use old battlelog 4 on the stats lokks f 2000 and he olways got 23% accuracy but not weapons whot he used
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
Reports please here, with proof...
https://www.wbks-clan.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=2546&start=1460 [wbks-clan.de]
2 years plus tôt
Cool das man von eurem Server grundlos gekickt wird, auf Nachfrage dann nur kommt "wegen Clanwerbung" sicherlich :D Schaut mal besser was für Leuten ihr Adminrechten gibt.
Gruß an den Marcus.
il y a 3 ans • 0 J'aime
Hi, ist das keine Clan-Werbung, wenn man so etwas im Chat schreibt :
- #3 24/7 METRO ONLY... iTnerz:.... deutsche da die nen clan suchen ? 24. März 2021 19:06
3 years plus tôt
Unban me from sniper server
il y a 3 ans • 0 J'aime
If you use a 44 magnum on a server that can use a sniper and a handgun, access is denied.
Remove access denied now
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ja/battlereport/show/1/931532142224568000/805036905/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
no hack
4 years plus tôt
hello please tell me why are you still giving me a ban on your server?
Today Markus gave it to me again and didn't give a reason and we were there only 1 vs 1 and I helped start the server
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
hey everyone , the winners of our playtime event have been determined.

You can read them on our homepage or in the Discord.
Congratulations to the winners,

your wbks team

https://www.wbks-clan.de/news/71-wbks-vip-slot-dezember-event-s-2019.html [wbks-clan.de]
https://discord.me/wbks [discord.me]
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
There is alot of admin abusing going on... for example on the explosive server #3 i got killed multiple times for using c4 and suav, this is just a small example. Happening all the time. Would be good to have someone on a higher rank within WBKS supervising the server from time to time
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
killed by admin*
4 years plus tôt
If you know who is abusing his power report him in our forum please thanks.
4 years plus tôt
Hello guys! I just wanted to report to you this player who use unacceptable language in game, where can i send it (jpg image/screenshot) ?
il y a 4 ans • 1 J'aime
This player troll and killed teammates, he using a claymore,
I destroyed his claymore, but he kicked me.
Take away administrator privileges from him
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
why does you distroy a claymore from a teammate? thats teamtrolling and against our rules..
so it was a normal way to kill you, and he just killed you dont kick.
4 years plus tôt
Markus warum hast du mich gebannt?
il y a 4 ans • 0 J'aime
weil menschen die nicht in der lage sind sich vernünftig auszudrücken und meinen sie müssten andere so beleidigen wie du unsere spieler und den admin eben gebannt werden.
bannapeals bitte nur im forum...
4 years plus tôt
Hallo Zusammen ich wollte euch nur mal Bescheid geben, das ihr einen Cheater auf Eurem Official Server habt Name: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/NaboGrapa/stats/1888502679/pc/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Der Server: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/f2d692ed-1444-4c0d-98c2-cfea0c73c0ad/1-WBKS-EPS-60Hz-PREMIUM-MAPS-NO-RULES-VOTEMAP/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Wollte euch nur mal die Info geben :). Weil er sich bei uns auch nieder gelassen hat.


il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Hi danke für die Info
5 years plus tôt