DFVS ✈ 1vs1 Ladder
Tag: [DFVS] Fanoušci: 85 Vytvořeno: 08-11-2012

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The era of DFVS has come to an end together with BF4 closing in on us. With over 400+ matches played during our 10 months of activity, DFVS quickly surpassed the ESL jet ladder and claimed the title as one of the biggest, most active jet ladders in the history of BF3.

Thank you to all players, showing us your dedication and appreciation to the ladder, for all your entertaining videos, letting us know how you're progressing, raping face and just being awesome.
Without all the countless numbers of dogfighters who played in this ladder, this platoon would be nothing. YOU were what kept us going.

Lastly I would like to thank the following individuals:

Danny (Kulbit), for the great level of interest he showed me when I first came to him with my idea for this ladder. For all the time he's put into recruiting players and getting the word out there about our ladder.
QRZMAd, for all the time put into updating scores(seriously this guy was nuts) and just for being the Rakesh he truly is.
Golden, same goes for this guy. Amazing upkeep with scores, recruiting and spending his time as a mod in the ladder cleverly interacting with the players.

BF4 is a different chapter. Will there be ladders? A shit ton. So keep an eye out, maybe there's one, in one way or another, resembling DFVS.

// Smashd

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