BD16 1st Battalion
Plaque: [BD16] Fans: 2 Créé: 08-11-2011

Présentation de la section

Victoria est, si pretio soluto pro nostris sociorum incidisset

victory comes at a price, paid for by our fallen allies

Hahaha, Cheeese, but thats how we do!
Its all a bit of a laugh, no soldier is alone on the Battlefield!

Latin accuracy - jury still out on that one! Cheers Google translate!

BD16 is a classic clan from the days of the Modern Warfares (bar the latest edition), but now we seek more thrilling and enthrawling gameplay in a scenario where it pays to be part of a team. Our players utilise all aspects of the BF warzone, with one hand you give and the other you shall receive, not one giveth the other taketh! Our philosiphy branches out beyond our platoon, and we look out for all players.

BD16 is mostly friends of many years, if you can relate to our batuul ethic then feel free to apply or fan.

For applicants:- at least

>1.00 KDR
>1.00 Win/Loss ratio
>15hrs gameplay
>A variation of rewards, ie, you dont do just one thing
>Several service stars with several weapons.

All your stats and ribbons/medals will be checked to make sure everything is in order.

We would also very much like to hear from you if you have:-

>1.2+ KDR
>1.0+ W/L ratio
>40hrs+ gameplay
>service stars with 20 weapons
>distinguished service in both land and air combat
>several ribbons of all types, (will make an exception for stationary weapons for obvious reasons!)
>Distinguished service for Conquest, Rush
>15 medals

May Batuuuul commense!

MDDRDOAK and BD16 1st Battalion.


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