Tier 1 Spec Ops
Plaque: [T1SO] Web: Site officiel Fans: 2 Créé: 02-12-2012

Présentation de la section

Tier 1 Spec Ops Team would like to welcome you to join our platoon! please read below.

Do You Live in the US, Own A Xbox, Play Battlefield 3 and Are You Sick of Playing with randoms? Sick of people not working with you when your driving a tank, helicopter, or attacking and defending bases and mcoms. Then you have come to the right Platoon!

If you can answer yes to this, then you need to be part of this Platoon.

Can you band together. Help your fellow battle-mate's Use tactics and teamwork to dominate the battlefield!

(<)<)<)<)<)<)<)JOIN US>(>(>(>(>(>(>(>)
Apply threw battlelog and sign up for our official website http://tier1specops.enjin.com/login/do/register "Be sure to use your Xbox live gamer tag for your user name on enjin. Thank you. We also have a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tier-1-Spec-Ops-Battlefield3/256128467840944


Platoon Requirements:
- Become a fan
- 18+ This is a Mature thing. Will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
- Xbox 360 Only.
- Have a Mic.
- Live in the USA (lag issues). If lag isn't a problem, then you can be a foreigner! :D
- Any Skill Level Accepted. Assuming your a good team player.

-Use our battlefield weapons, team work, and tactics to DOMINATE the Battlefield!
- Be able to find skilled people you know how to work with and play BF3 whenever you want.
- Become one of the best Platoons out there!
- Get Frequent Squads Going For Players That Play Well Together.
- When armored kill comes out we will be organizing a vehicle assault team.
- Have fun!
- Challenge other platoons and clans to matches
we have scheduled matches. This will include a roster sheet for who plans on attending. What primary roll you will be playing during the scheduled clan/platoon match will be addressed on the fly. pick your class according to your strong points referenced on Battlelog. For instance if you have service starred in that class you will be considered for that roll in our matches

This platoon plays mostly CONQUEST, TEAM DEATH MATCH, SQUAD DEATH MATCH, CLOSE QUARTERS, Yes every once in a while we play rush.

We are not just a competitive team. We play for fun most of the time! and make new friends while doing so.

Your platoon leader's and founder are the one's designated to give orders to the squad during clan matches. Do what they says at all times. Always listen to your leader's during scrims and learn his way of communication on the battlefield. This will be key in learning to work together! Your platoon leader will sometimes ask you to switch your class or ask you to equip a certain tool with in that class on your next re-spawn. If asked to do so it would be for the best interest of the team not to annoy you. Its just to get a strategy going, or break out of spawn lock or any other situation we may be in.

The platoon founder will be designating soldiers as leaders by Skill. Soldiers who can prove they are a good fit and communicate and give orders well. Talk to the founder if you think you got what it takes.

If you plan on being active with this Platoon, you should probably change your Clan Tag. (NOT MANDATORY) During scrims it is mandatory! Just to makes things easier for everyone. Its good to know who's on your team.

Clan tag: [T1SO]
register with our web site Join here http://tier1specops.enjin.com/login/do/register

I like to talk. I want people to talk. I want everything to be active in this Platoon. Get discussions going. Any topic,
doesn't have to be Battlefield related.
I will keep things as Updated as I can.

I'll answer any and all questions. You can contact platoon founder here or over Xbox live.

Battlelog ID: Amak1131
Xbox Gamertag: MrFrownyFace

Battlelog ID: Excessive88
Xbox Gamertag: XsV BAKER 3

Frequently asked questions

1) ----Question: Does Tier 1 Spec Ops Team have their own battlefield server----

1) =Answer=: Yes but is currently inactive until more players are recruited!

2) ----Question: Does Tier 1 Spec Ops Team have their own website----

2) =Answer=: Yes!

3) ----Question: Im under 18 will you make exceptions?

3) =Answer= If and this is a BIG IF... If your mature, use team work and good communication and bring some level of skill to the table. You will be considered. If you have been accepted and are under 18 you will be under a 30-60 day probationary period. during this time the team will evaluate what you bring to the table and your maturity and decide as a group if your a good fit to stay with us.

4)---- Question: Does everyone in Tier 1 Spec Ops Team use a mic.----

4) =Answer=: Yes A mic is mandatory!

5) ----Question: Are you required to wear the clan tag T1SO?----

5) =Answer=: NO. VERY PREFERRED but not required. For matches, however, it will be mandatory.

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