Swedish SOG Community
Plaque: [SOGc] Web: Site officiel Fans: 25 Créé: 03-03-2013

Présentation de la section

Welcome to an open community for anyone that enjoys playing Battlefield for fun together with members of the Swedish SOG-platoon or on the server [SWE SOG].

NO REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN other than mature behavior and a friendly attitude.

Interested in playing match-games sporadically or whenever SOG is in need of extra players you will need voip.

Do you wish to be a part of the Swedish SOG Community?
Please visit our server [SWE SOG nxQs Server] and contact following SOG-members:

- CC_Rex_III
- P_Norrflod
- Laslosliljas
- Makrillen1894
- Simpanovic
- Cirkux
- Midnattsvarg

Stay safe!

Already or becoming a member of the SOG Community but not a member of the SOG match platoon?
Please use the tag [SOGc] for SWE SOG-server admins knowledge of your current membership and for representation of The Swedish SOG.
A part of the Swedish SOG match platoon, use tag [SOG].

Feed section

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