The wAr Empire
Plaque: [wAr] Fans: 66 Créé: 24-11-2011

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12VS12 Clan Battle Dates : [12vs12Record 24Wins-9Losses | 4vs4Record 3Wins-3Losses]

Clan Battles!


We are a Fun/Friendly/Competitive Platoon. The wAr Empire is a clan created by ii6feetii back in early 2010 in Bad Company 2. Lead by wAr Leaders ii6feetii, DARTH_RAIDER26 ,hamed19972 , and LYKN1085. We are a Clan made up of many groups of friends that got together and continue to grow. Anyone is welcomed to join as long as you follow these simple rules.


1. Wear the [wAr] Tag at ALL TIMES, go to Edit Profile and type in wAr next to ur game name. Its ok to be in other platoons BUT if u are wearing a different [tag] you WILL be kicked out of The wAr Empire.

2. DONT be SHY, we are a friendly bunch, just send other members Friend Requests on PSN so we can all play together. Remember if you DON'T add us on PSN we CAN NOT play with you!

3. TRY to play in the same game with other wAr members.

4. Dont bitch and complain too much when ur losing or when things are going bad in the battlefield, its ok once in a while but dont make it a habit.

5. Have fun its just a game.

MANDATORY RULE: When playing with 6-12 wAr Members on ur team go to Squad Menu and set ur VOIP to TEAM, besides the Squad Leaders calling out plays for their team we will have 1 Team Leader per game to call out plays for the squads also, this 1 Team Leader will be someone that has shown Leadership in the past.

PSN Names of some of our Committed wAr Members, Add them so wAr can stay united on the Battlefield. When u send the Friend Request Send a message saying "wAr" so we know ur from wAr

-ii6feetii (wAr Emperor)
-DARTH_RAIDER26 (Leader)
-SilentScope004 (Leader)
-LYKN1085 (Leader)

If you want your dick sucked by one of our members contact: THEbuddyl0ve he loves the cock, if he can't spell when he replies to ur message don't mind him because he's handling so much cock that he can't type right ^_^

Try to add as many people as u can on the PSN that way its easier to play together in big numbers of wAr warriors, lets roll deep!!! (being in large numbers of wAr soldiers)

Try to check Battlelog at least once a week for any wAr announcements such as Clan Battle Dates.

We have a FACEBOOK wAr Group, it is a Group Page NOT a Fan Page, on the Search Bar on Facebook Search "The wAr Empire" and then click on the Groups on the left side of the page and there it is. Both Clan Battle Dates and Announcements are posted on both Facebook and Battlelog.

For those that want to join The wAr Emperors:
You must be a good to great player and if we see that then we will send u an invitation to join our Elite Team of wAr members. Both the Empire and the Emperors are one Clan.


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