Death Inc Platoon
Contrassegno: [=DI=] Web: Sito web ufficiale Fan: 27 Creato: 03-11-2012

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=DI= is gearing up for Battlefield 4 and CoD Ghosts join us on teamspeak and let us know which of these games you will be getting. If there are dedicated servers we will have at least 1 for each of these and most likely 2 or more each.
See you there!

Many of our platoon members want to join our clan or think that they are already in our clan. If you are a Death Inc PLATOON member and want to join the Death Inc CLAN join our teamspeak using your in game name and request to join our CLAN

If you want to join our clan send friend request & join our Teamspeak 3 server here; ts3server://
Copy the link above in to your browser and if you have teamspeak installed it will bring you directly in to our teamspeak. MAKE SURE that you use your in game name if we can't verify you in Origin it is likely that you will be kicked

If you are an FPS player who wants to join =DI= for casual game play then read on.

We currently host the top 2 MoHWF servers in the world as well as a BF3 server. We have members from around the world and speak several languages including German, English, Thai, and Spanish.

Feel free to add us as friends then join and play alongside us and join our voice chat on Teamspeak 3.

The only conditions to joining our clan are that you must be 100% CHEAT FREE, friend to any =DI= clan member and join our teamspeak server when playing any FPS shooters. We could care less about your stats or who you are. We are looking for good teamplayers, squadmates and friends.

Join us if you are interested, make sure your platoon list is NOT FULL before applying, also register on our website.

=DI= Clan Teamspeak 3:

See you on the battlefield,

=DI= Death 1nc
Clan Founder

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