TG-Black Sheep
Contrassegno: [TG] Web: Sito web ufficiale Fan: 31 Creato: 05-12-2012

Presentazione plotone

TG Black Sheep is a BF3 4v4 Squad Rush and 5v5 CQ Competitive Team.

Formerly known as the TG ThunderChickens. TG has competed in BFBC2 and BF3 for well over 15 Seasons on both Gamebattles and FraggedNation.

TG Competitive Squads have withstood the test of time and are contenders in each season. Backed by great leadership, support from the community and dedicated squad members, Black Sheep plans to compete for many seasons to come.

If you are looking to compete on a high level with like minded people. Look no further than Black Sheep. The Black Sheep Battlefield Program offers a platform to success that many other teams cannot come close to offering. For more information please contact a Black Sheep squad member.
For Matches Contact - SL - (Boh1990) or SA - (call9114this)
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 2 - 6th Place 16-4
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 3 - 4th Place 15-2
1rst Round Playoff Loss
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 4 - 8th Place 7-4
2nd Round Playoff Loss
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 5 - 4th Place 18-4
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, 5v5CQ Season 1 - 1rst Place 7-2
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 6 --- 2-0
FraggedNation Battlefield 3, Season 7 --- 3-0


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